Written by Dan LaRock - with - C. Maxwell Brown
A Gift for you
Grandpa’s Gift is a story born from a grandson’s walk through the world in search of something more. Attaining the comforts of business success, a very happy marriage and a wonderful family life still left Dan with a yearning for something else to find.
Following the rediscovery of a book containing messages from his grandfather from more than 60 years ago, he began to realize that the elusive “something more” is the wisdom he found in its pages and stories. It’s a wisdom as old as time itself, yet often hard to find for all of us. That discovery became a gift for Dan, from his Grandfather, and it could very well be a gift for you.
Having An Impact
Since launching earlier this year, Grandpa's Gift has earned some wonderful attention from local, national and international media and independent booksellers from across the region. It's been featured as the subject of multiple podcast interviews, radio and television news features, highlighted in multiple author signing events in several communities and introduced to a growing number of churches and service clubs in Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota & North Dakota.
The book is now being carried by a growing number of Midwest Independent Booksellers across our geographic footprint. We're humbled and grateful for the attention and would welcome any and all opportunities to share the book and its story of 'Old Wisdom igniting New Life' to your community. Feel free to contact us today!

Dan LaRock is first a Believer, husband, father & son.
He is also an entrepreneur, an executive shareholder with HUB International - Great Plains, a co-founder of Rock Ranch, a frequent communicator & speaker and deeply experienced in public relations & institutional advancement. Dan is currently the national Nonprofit Specialty Practice Leader for Employee Benefits for HUB International.
He has been blessed to work with entrepreneurial leaders at incredible companies from across the Upper Midwest including Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota & Wisconsin.
about Grandpa max
C. Maxwell Brown was born in Beresford, South Dakota and raised in both South & North Dakota, graduating from Woodworth High School in Stutsman County which is present day Medina School District near Jamestown, ND.
He attended Drew Theological Seminary in New Jersey and graduated in 1932. From there he spent the next 32 years as a Methodist Minister, husband & father of four while living in multiple North Dakota communities, including a 10 year stay at First Methodist in Fargo.
In 1960, he was called to the San Francisco Bay Area for the final years of his ministry. While in both San Jose & Berkeley, Grandpa Max was invited to deliver a series of radio addresses broadcast all across the west coast between 1960 & 1965.
In 1985, those messages were collected into a self-published book called Backpacking in a Cultural Wilderness. 15 of the 30 messages are partly what fills the pages of Grandpa’s Gift.

Should there be proceeds produced by sales of this book, they will be used to help further the mission and ministry of Rock Ranch located in Martin Township near Hills, MN.
My wife, Marie, listened for years to the calling of the Holy Spirit with respect to how we should best use the gifts God gave us. I can’t help but look at Grandpa Max’s lesson “The God Who Intervenes” as a perfect example of how this organization came into being and has since been blessed by His hand. Marie has been gifted this opportunity to reach thousands for Jesus, and I am so thankful to be at her side helping support this work.
Together, through Rock Ranch, we are simply and (Lord willing) dutifully trying to answer that call, the whispers of the Holy Spirit to help share His love with children, seniors and all people in need through the art and skills of horsemanship.
the gift of insider info
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